Conservation Solutions for
We Know You Love the Upper Valley.
We Do Too.
We provide conservation leadership, tools and expertise to permanently protect the working farms, forested ridges, wildlife habitat, water resources, trails and scenic landscapes that makes the Upper Valley a special place to live. We work with local conservation commissions and volunteer groups to identify and prioritize land conservation opportunities. We provide technical assistance and conservation solutions for landowners. We steward permanent agreements that conserve key properties forever.
Land Conservation
UVLT focuses its mission in 45 Vermont and New Hampshire towns in the upper Connecticut River Valley.
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Ensuring public access to natural areas has always been a priority of the Upper Valley Land Trust.
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We’re a hardworking, homegrown group that depends on people like you. Over the past 34 years, we’ve protected over 500 parcels of land and more than 52,000 acres. Thousands of people have participated in these accomplishments and in the ongoing stewardship of conserved properties. It takes all of us, working together, to choose a vibrant, resilient and sustainable future for the Upper Valley — and to make it happen.
Indigenous People have cared for this land for centuries. The lands that the Upper Valley Land Trust owns, conserves, and works on, and the land on which we all live, are the traditional, ancestral, unceded homelands of the indigenous people of the Abenaki Nation, a tribe of the Wabanaki Confederacy.
Indigenous People are not gone, they live here and are a part of the past, present, and future of our land and our communities. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Abenaki people, past and present.
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🌳Happy #fieldnotesfriday ! 🌳
This week Jason Berard, VP of Stewardship, was out hiking in #BethlehemNH when he came across a whole stand of young beech trees that had their bark nibbled off. Jason thought that it could have been a #porcupine, but has never seen one strip off bark on a whole stand of young beech trees before. After some investigative work, Jason located some porcupine tracks in the snow nearby that led him to it`s cozy little den! All evidence seems to point to this porcupine as our culprit, let us know what you think in the comments below!
During the winter, porcupines often chew through the rough outer bark of various trees, including pines, fir, cedar, and hemlock 🌲, to get at the cambium (the inner bark). Sugar maples, young beech trees, basswood, apple, and aspen 🍃are some favorite trees.
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🍁 Celebrate the "sweetest" time of year with the Upper Valley Land Trust and visit some of the amazing maple sugar farms that operate on UVLT-conserved land!🍁
This weekend (March 15 & 16) is NH Spring Maple Open House , and next weekend (March 22 & 23) it`s Vermont’s turn!
THIS WEEKEND (March 15/16):
Brackett Brook Farm (Orford, NH)
Join the Brackett Brook Farm crew for their Maple Sugaring Open House this weekend. Watch the boiling process, enjoy free syrup samples, donuts, and sugar on snow served by their grandson Tayton. New maple syrup available for purchase! Hours of Operation: 9:00 - 4:00 pm. Open House Directions: We are located in East Orford at 8 Pease Drive, just off Route 25A. Look for the Brackett Brook Farm sign near the driveway. Call 603-353-9080 for information.
To learn earn more and find a sugarhouse near you visit:
NH Maple Open House Weekend: nhmaplemap.com/sugarhouse-map/
VT Maple Open House Weekend: vermontmaple.org/mohw
A shout out to other fantastic sugar farms operating on UVLT-conserved lands!
🍁 Maple Leaf Farm, Lyme, NH
🍁 Taylor Brothers Sugarhouse, Meriden, NH
🍁 Manning Farm, Strafford, VT
🍁 Sunrise Farm, Hartford, VT
🍁 Fox Crossing Farm, Pomfret, VT
🍁 Richardson Family Farm, Hartland, VT
🍁Wood’s Cider Mill, Weathersfield, VT
[📸above from UVLT Staff, and features Harry and Linda Pease of Brackett Brook Farm after signing their conservation easement]
#UVLT #LandConservation #NHSpringMapleOpenHouseWeekend #NHMapleSyrup #VTMapleSyrup #UpperValleyVTNH
🦆Zebedee Wood Duck Hotel is now open! 🦆
This week UVLT Land Stewards, Alexander van Engelen and Kevin Brooker, went out to #ZebedeeWetlands in Thetford, VT to clean out our wood duck nesting boxes. #WoodDucks are cavity nesters which means they prefer to nest in tree holes or human made nesting boxes.
Once one of the most abundant waterfowl in North America, wood ducks were nearly extinct by the early 1900s due to habitat loss and market hunting. Today, there are now an estimated three million breeding pairs across North America. This success is due to the passing of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in 1918 and the introduction of nesting boxes in ideal wood duck nesting sites.
A place like Zebedee Wetland is a perfect nesting site for wood ducks 🦆, which is why we continue to monitor and maintain multiple nesting boxes annually for visiting breeding pairs.
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#UVLT #LandConservation #Community #UpperValleyVTNH #thetfordVT #wetlands #fieldnotesfriday