Opening Hike at Stonehouse Mountain Trail
Friday, September 1 | 2pm
Join UVLT staff and landowners Bob and Christie Hedges (UVLT Board Member) for a moderately challenging (~720 elevation gain) group hike up to the Stonehouse Mountain summit to celebrate the “official” opening of the Stonehouse Mountain Trail. We will gather at 2 pm on Friday, September 1, at the trailhead parking on Stonehouse Summit Road. We’ll have drinks and munchies for our return! Wear sturdy hiking shoes and bring your water bottle. NO DOGS, please.
Trail Description:
The one mile long Stonehouse Mountain Trail leaves from the trailhead parking area on Stonehouse Summit Road, located approximately 0.2 miles from Upper Stonehouse Mountain Road on the left. The trail climbs nearly 1,000 feet to reach the summit. The trail starts climbing through a hardwood forest with gradual terrain. As the terrain gets steeper and rockier, the hardwood trees are replaced by red spruce and red pine.
No registration required.