Celebrating Dairy Month

Did you know that June is Dairy Month? Here in the Upper Valley,…

Meet the UVLT’s 2024 Summer Interns

Each summer UVLT works with student interns on projects that…

Potato Planting at the Old Town Farm

The Old Town Farm field continues a 200-year legacy of producing…

Remembering John O’Brien

When we’re in the woods in the northern part of UVLT’s service…

The Future of Ash Trees in Vermont

Researchers from the University of Vermont and Dartmouth College…

Year End Round Up!

Upper Valley residents were outside in unprecedented numbers…

Meet UVLT’s 2021 Summer Interns

Each summer UVLT works with student interns on projects that…

Why Are Paper Birch Trees So White?

By Michael J. Carlowicz Jr., Dartmouth Class of 2022  Betula…

Lemax Barn Fundraising & Restoration Complete!

The Lemax Farm is one of the last active dairy operations in…

Gifts of the Land: UVLT’s Year End Auction

Over the summer UVLT President Jeanie McIntyre received five…