Meet the UVLT’s 2024 Summer Interns
Each summer UVLT works with student interns on projects that…
American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Fens
Have you been following our American Wetlands Month posts? Over…
American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Bogs
May is American Wetlands Month, and we’re celebrating by exploring…
American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Swamps
May is American Wetlands Month, and each week we’re highlighting…
American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Marshes
May is American Wetlands Month. Here at the UVLT, we’re always…
Expanding a Commitment to Permanence
Nearly 20 years ago, Charlotte Metcalf began conserving farm…
Elizabeth’s Brook Bears Her Name
The U.S. Geological Survey has named a Grant Brook tributary…
Celebrating Women’s History Month: Alma Duckworth and Rebecca Jones
March is Women’s History Month — and at UVLT, that means it’s time to recognize the many women in conservation who have helped preserve and share the wild spaces in our community.
Celebrating Women’s History Month: Nicole Cormen
March is Women’s History Month — and at UVLT, that means it’s time to recognize the many women in conservation who have helped preserve and share the wild spaces in our community.