Join Dawn Dextraze and Upper Valley Land Trust’s staff, as they lead a program about monarch life cycles as part of the Monarch Monitoring Blitz, July 23 – August 1! During this event we will actively search milkweed plants for monarch eggs, caterpillars and adults. Observations will be recorded on data sheets and uploaded into the Mission Monarch database. All equipment will be provided and most can be taken home with you. Please wear long pants and sunscreen/bugspray and bring water, a hat, and some snacks. Bring your lunch and have a picnic afterwards if you like. If you are fully vaccinated there is no need to wear a mask but we request those who are not vaccinated to wear one.
Location: Up on the Hill Conservation Area Route 12 in Charlestown to Morningside Lane, left onto Richardson Road. May be gravel or dirt. Parking area at end. You will see a kiosk. Walk down the road to the right until you reach a building and garden.