Volunteer Easement Monitor Training!
Zoom Session: Wednesday, March 13 | 4 – 6 PM | Virtual Meeting
In-Person Training: Saturday, March 16 | 10 AM | UVLT Office – 19 Buck Rd, Hanover, NH 03755
Are you interested in helping UVLT with monitoring conserved properties in the Upper Valley including farms and forests? Join us for this year’s volunteer easement training so you can learn all you need to know about monitoring properties! After you receive the training, you will be able to aid our stewardship team in meeting one of our most fundamental obligations – the annual inspection of conserved land.
This training will be broken up into two parts; first a zoom session to go over the basics skills of monitoring conservation easements, and then an in-person training to get experience being out on an easement with a staff person. Participation in BOTH sessions is required.
To review the responsibilities of this volunteer position, please visit our volunteer page.
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