
Bird Sanctuary Conserved in Weathersfield
Marianne and Michael Walsh have donated a conservation easement…

Summer in the Woods
This summer I’m interning with the Upper Valley Land Trust as a seasonal land steward! As a steward, my day-day changes a lot: sometimes you can find me in the office going over files and writing reports and on other days I’ll be out in the woods monitoring a property. I’ve had the opportunity to walk with a few landowners which has been wonderful, but usually my only company is me, myself, and I. Unless of course you count deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, an endless amount of bugs… oh and bears. Maybe it’s just an intern’s bad luck or this summer is a bear’s paradise, but I’ve already had a few encounters with our fuzzy black mammal friends. Because of this I thought I’d freshen up on my knowledge of ursus americanus.

Resilient Connections at Rocky Knoll
The Tunis District of East Hanover is a vast forested area of…

Declining Biodiversity in Vermont and New Hampshire Forests, Part III: Space Invaders
If you’re a gardener, you may have heard some buzz about the…

American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Fens
Have you been following our American Wetlands Month posts? Over…

American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Bogs
May is American Wetlands Month, and we’re celebrating by exploring…

Declining Biodiversity in Vermont and New Hampshire Forests, Part II: Impact of Deer on Upper Valley Forests
As most Upper Valley residents will have noticed, white-tailed…

American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Swamps
May is American Wetlands Month, and each week we’re highlighting…

American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Marshes
May is American Wetlands Month. Here at the UVLT, we’re always…