
The Mystery in Smith Pond

“Just off Baker Point in about 10 feet of water and 40 feet…

Smith Pond Geology

On January 22nd, several Dartmouth Professors took their classes…

A New Generation of American Chestnut Trees at Up on the Hill

When UVLT acquired the 990 acre Smith Pond Shaker Forest in late…


History Hike at Smith Pond Shaker Forest

Join UVLT and Enfield Shaker Museum for a hike to Smith Pond! Hikers will meet at the UVLT trailhead off Route 4A at 9:30 am for a brief introduction and begin the hike at 10:00 am. The route follows the UVLT trail with a side spur to the waterfall. While the hike is moderately difficult, hikers can choose to follow the gentler canal route and turn back when the terrain gets steeper.