Hands on the Land: Trail Improvements at Zebedee Wetland

The Linny Levin Trail at Zebedee Wetland in Thetford has undergone significant improvements, thanks to one of our largest trail projects this year. Over a two-day effort, students from Thetford […]

Summer in the Woods

This summer I’m interning with the Upper Valley Land Trust as a seasonal land steward! As a steward, my day-day changes a lot: sometimes you can find me in the office going over files and writing reports and on other days I’ll be out in the woods monitoring a property. I’ve had the opportunity to walk with a few landowners which has been wonderful, but usually my only company is me, myself, and I. Unless of course you count deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, an endless amount of bugs… oh and bears. Maybe it’s just an intern’s bad luck or this summer is a bear’s paradise, but I’ve already had a few encounters with our fuzzy black mammal friends. Because of this I thought I’d freshen up on my knowledge of ursus americanus.

In the Gardens

As a UVLT intern this summer I have worked at the food pantry gardens at the Brookmead Conservation Area in Norwich, VT and the Up on the Hill Conservation Area in Charleston, NH. I have helped plant, maintain, and harvest produce to be donated to Willing Hands, the Claremont Soup Kitchen, and other local food pantries in the area. While every experience at the gardens has been rewarding there have been two extremely meaningful projects I have had the chance to work on this summer.