The Right Thing to Do

Mark Hooper wrote to the Cornish Conservation Commission late last fall explaining that he’d decided to conserve his land “simply because it seemed like the right thing to do.” Mark’s grandmother’s family (the Hildreths) had been granted about 300 acres in the late 1700’s — land that stretched from the Connecticut River to Blow-Me-Down Brook in the northwest corner of Cornish.

Paradee Property is Conserved

On June 14, 2023, the Paradee property, located in Orford, NH, was graciously conserved by Linda Paradee who donated a conservation easement. This parcel, situated on the banks of the Connecticut River has been in Linda’s family since the 1800s.

Building a Legacy: Amber’s Story

August is National Make-A-Will Month, a perfect opportunity to create your own will and express your vision and values. Amber Porter did. UVLT offers access to FreeWill, an online estate planning tool that can help you get started. This tool doesn’t replace the expert advice of your personal attorney — you can use it to create a draft for review and discussion with your attorney, or if you prefer, write a simple will to execute as Amber did. August is a great time to begin!