May is American Wetlands Month, and each week we’re highlighting one of the four types of wetlands (marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens), with examples here in the Upper Valley. Not […]
May is American Wetlands Month. Here at the UVLT, we’re always happy to call attention to one of our most important — but underappreciated — ecosystems. Each week this month, […]
Nearly 20 years ago, Charlotte Metcalf began conserving farm and forest parcels near the Union Village in Norwich. These parcels consisted of a number of old farms and farmland that […] McIntyre McIntyre2024-05-01 11:31:532024-05-03 13:04:17Expanding a Commitment to Permanence
American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Swamps
/in Conservation Advocacy, Featured, UVLT Conserved Lands, What's NewMay is American Wetlands Month, and each week we’re highlighting one of the four types of wetlands (marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens), with examples here in the Upper Valley. Not […]
American Wetlands Month: Spotlighting Upper Valley Marshes
/in Conservation Advocacy, Featured, UVLT Conserved Lands, What's NewMay is American Wetlands Month. Here at the UVLT, we’re always happy to call attention to one of our most important — but underappreciated — ecosystems. Each week this month, […]
Expanding a Commitment to Permanence
/in Featured, New Conservation Projects, UVLT Conserved Lands, What's NewNearly 20 years ago, Charlotte Metcalf began conserving farm and forest parcels near the Union Village in Norwich. These parcels consisted of a number of old farms and farmland that […]