UVLT Volunteers Recognized for their Commitment

Pip Richens of Hanover, NH and Claude Phipps of Newbury, VT…

"Out My Back Door" Pictures

(Above) The Production Team of Out My Back Door: An Amateur…

Land Trust Collaborates with Landowners to Publish Book

Hanover, NH—The Upper Valley Land Trust presents Out…

"Out My Back Door" by Shiela Swett

Come join the Norwich Bookstore and the Upper Valley Land Trust…

Open House & Hike

(from left to right) UVLT President Jeanie McIntyre, Conservation…

Four Corners Farm Tour

Saturday October 18th, 1-4PM Travel to this diversified…

Pegjack Memorial Forest Dedication

Tom Aldrich stands by Pegjack Forest's ancient New England…

Open House and Hike

CONTACT: James Thaxton (603) 643-6626 ext. 111 james.thaxton@uvlt.org FOR…

Pegjack Memorial Forest Dedication

CONTACT: Peg Merrens (603) 643-6626 ext. 112 www.UVLT.org FOR…

Menu for the Future Discussion Course

CONTACTS: Nora Doyle-Burr (603) 643-6626…