2011 Stewardship Volunteer Monitor Training
We had a full house for our Volunteer Monitor Training on Saturday, April 30th. Twelve eager volunteers learned about UVLT’s mission and stewardship in particular. With 40,000 acres protected by UVLT across the Upper Valley and an obligation to monitor each easement yearly, we count on our dedicated volunteers to ensure we meet that commitment. The day was split about evenly between indoor and outdoor time.

Here, Pete Helm (UVLT’s Vice President Stewardship) is describing the way we use map and compass to navigate around each protected property.
The second half of the day was spent putting those newly acquired skills to use in the field.

Here, a volunteer is sighting a bearing, and telling the others whether they are on the line or not.
It was a beautiful day, and the spring wildflowers were in bloom!
I want to thank all the volunteers for taking the time to come and see what we do. I look forward to working with them all in the future! We couldn’t do it without our great volunteers!
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a volunteer easement monitor, please contact Jason Berard at Jason.berard@uvlt.org or (603) 643-6626.