About the places that UVLT has conserved: stories, pictures, events.

Lambs Play

Stewardship Director Jason Berard filmed the frolic of young…

Life’s a Beech – Find Yours!

When you can't find sand and waves in April, go for a walk in…

Balloch’s Crossing: A Conservation Corridor Grows

Nearly 200 acres of forest and farmland in Claremont/Cornish…

New Video Features Hartland’s Richardson Farm

Four students in Dartmouth's ENVS 7 embraced community-based…

Close-ups from Conserved Land: Bobcat and Barred Owl

Margaret ("Peg") Hatch shared these extraordinary views of a…

Winter Tracks

UVLT Stewardship Assistant Doug Brown is keenly aware that conserved…

Chase Field Conserved!

By Sara Cavin Thanks to an outpouring of support for land…

New Video – Outdoors with UVLT and GMC

Doug Brown collected our favorite photos from a year of hiking…

Success For Ely Mountain!

With a generous gift of land from landowners Jock and Deecie…

Award Winning Richardson Farm is Conserved!

UVLT  has purchased a conservation easement protecting nearly…