
Putnam Farms Conserves Lower Plain Property in Charlestown
UVLT’s purchase of a conservation easement on riverfront farmland…

Conservation Campaign Succeeds in Hartland
Establishment of the Timotheus Pohl Conservation Area is moving forward with the strong support of area residents and the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board. UVLT and the Hartland Conservation Commission have been working together to raise the funds needed to purchase the land which is located just at the edge of the Hartland Three Corners village.

A Year-Round Commitment to Farmland Conservation
Cold temperatures and snowfall may mark the end of harvest season but here at UVLT, work with agriculture is busier than ever! Our staff is currently working with owners of ten farmland parcels encompassing hundreds of acres of our region’s best agricultural land.

Potato Planting at the Old Town Farm
The Old Town Farm field continues a 200-year legacy of producing…

Devon Cattle Arrive at Brookmead Conservation Area
After a busy spring clearing fencelines and improving pasture,…

Vermont Alpine Farm in Reading Protected Forever
High in the mountains, in a part of Reading known as the “Vermont…

Community Supported Conservation Supports Community Agriculture
It’s community supported agriculture (CSA) sign up season in…

Community Fundraising a Success, Manning Farm Conserved
In 1961 Roscoe Manning worked as a truck driver collecting milk…

Fundraising Underway to Conserve Strafford’s Manning Farm
The Manning Farm is one of Strafford's most scenic landscapes.…