
Tornado Causes Natural Disturbance in Lyme Woods
The tornado that crossed the conserved Clay Brook buffer and fields north of Whipple Hill Road in Lyme was a rare weather occurrence that had significant impact within a narrow corridor. It's amazing that there were no injuries to people. And though as many as 1,000 trees may have been broken, twisted or blown over, natural disturbances like this can breathe life and health into the forest ecosystem. We’ll be watching and learning as the forest evolves.

Story Walk Trail at Lyme Hill Conservation Area
In 2019 Tara McGovern and Curtis Cote, both of Lyme, NH, approached…

Clearing the View at Lyme Pinnacle
Beginning today UVLT will be clearing the view at Lyme Pinnacle.…

Gifts of the Land: UVLT’s Year End Auction
Over the summer UVLT President Jeanie McIntyre received five…

Protected Wetlands and Public Access Expanded in Lyme
The Hewes Brook conservation easement follows the path of Hewes…