
Celebrating Dairy Month

Did you know that June is Dairy Month? Here in the Upper Valley,…

Seeding the Future Forest

Last spring, with the guidance of foresters Jeff Snitkin, Eric Radlof, and Ehrhard Frost of Full Circle Forestry, LLC (FCF, LLC), UVLT began a project designed to seed a future forest at our Up On the Hill Conservation Area in Charlestown. The forestry team evaluated an area that was harvested several decades ago, which involved removing the majority of the valuable trees. The remaining trees lacked timber quality and vigor: trees were defective, primarily small in diameter, and lacking in sufficient crown area. The FCF foresters recommended seeding the future forest by using several regeneration methods.

Treating Emerald Ash Borer at Up on the Hill

Earlier this month twelve Emerald Black Ash trees at Up On the…

Remembering Harvey Hill

Harvey Hill and his wife Chris and son Scott created UVLT’s largest Conservation Area when they donated 1100-acre Up On the Hill to UVLT in 2016.

Meet UVLT’s 2021 Summer Interns

Each summer UVLT works with student interns on projects that…

Mission Monarch 2020

Last weekend Programs Director Alison joined with Sullivan County…

Gifts from the Land

The day of the potato harvest was sunny and breezy. The week…

Land Management at Up on the Hill

Things are happening at Up on the Hill! UVLT’s newest…


Mission Monarch – Count the Cats(erpillars)

Join Sullivan County Education and Outreach Specialist Dawn Dextraze and the Upper Valley Land Trust to learn about monarch life cycles. During this event, we will actively search milkweed plants for monarch eggs, caterpillars, and adult butterflies as part of the 2024 International Monarch Monitoring Blitz.
Monarch Tagging

Monarch Tagging at Up on the Hill

September 2–15 is peak monarch butterfly migration week for our area. Scientists who study monarch migration use information gathered from observations recorded online and tagging programs to learn more about this amazing natural phenomenon. Everyone is invited to help Sullivan County Conservation District & Upper Valley Land Trust collect more information through monarch tagging.