Meet the UVLT’s 2024 Summer Interns

Each summer UVLT works with student interns on projects that are of interest to them and beneficial to UVLT. This year, we’re delighted to welcome three interns to the team.

Ella Barrett

Ella Barrett is UVLT’s 2024 Patchen Miller Intern. She’ll be assisting in our food pantry gardens this summer with planting, plant bed maintenance, and harvesting. Ella grew up in Orange, NH, and is currently a student at Mount Holyoke College, graduating in 2026. Her interests include democratic engagement, progressive environmental policy, and community service. She’s excited to bring her strong work ethic and passion for activism to her summer role at UVLT. We’re so happy to welcome Ella onto our stewardship team for the summer!

Cora Day

Cora Day is a resident of Orford who has lived in the Upper Valley most of her life. She recently completed her junior year at Wheaton College, where she is double majoring in environmental science (with a biology concentration) and anthropology. Cora is interning with our stewardship department, assisting our team with our annual easement monitoring by visiting various conserved properties around the Upper Valley. Since UVLT has over 540 conservation easements that need monitoring annually, we are incredibly grateful to have her help this summer! Combining her love for the Upper Valley and land conservation, Cora will be a great addition to our stewardship team.

Daisy Andrews

Daisy Andrews is currently pursuing a JD and Masters of Environmental Law and Policy at Vermont Law and Graduate School. As UVLT’s legal intern, she’s earning credits this summer by supporting UVLT’s Conservation team with legal research and document drafting to facilitate conservation transactions. A former forester with a B.S. in Forest Resources and Conservation from the University of Florida, Daisy has previously carried out field research about forest health and habitat connectivity and served as a park ranger and a teaching assistant. She’s won academic honors for authoring a case study of Vermont’s approach to carbon offset programs in forestry. Daisy says that what excites her most about the opportunity to work at UVLT is “gaining hands-on experience in land conservation transactions and understanding the operational intricacies of a land trust.”