Putting the Gardens to Bed
Fall is officially here, and with its arrival comes the impending final harvest, and wrap up of our 2022 Food Pantry Garden season. Each year we are grateful for the many volunteers who commit their time, energy, and skill, to help prepare, plant, and harvest food for our neighbors in need. The work starts the first week in May until the mid-end of October, resulting in 5 months of dedicated volunteer action, and fun. Here is a roundup of this year’s activity:
- Over 30 volunteers, including our friends at Camp Coniston!
- 1,065 lbs. or 4,260 servings of food, including: rhubarb, radishes, potatoes, peas, onions, and tomatoes
Want to join in the fun? It’s not too late! Join UVLT for the annual potato harvest with Willing Hands at Brookmead Food Pantry Garden on Tuesday, September 27th, from 2-5 pm. More event details are available here.
Can’t join us for the potato harvest, but want to learn more?
Sign up for our Garden Newsletter distributed during the growing season.