Volunteer with our Food Pantry Garden Program

UVLT’s food pantry gardens produce fruits and vegetables for distribution to hunger relief programs throughout the Upper Valley. Since 2021, we’ve grown more than 6 tons of food that has provided tens of thousands of servings of healthy produce for people in need.

Brookmead Food Pantry Garden -Norwich, VT

The one-acre Brookmead garden is located on Turnpike Road in Norwich, VT. We grow a variety of mainly winter storage crops that are donated to Willing Hands. Community work days at the Brookmead garden are generally Thursdays from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm during the growing season, but are subject to some change and variation. Volunteers help with all aspects of garden work under the supervision of UVLT staff, including: soil preparation; planting; weeding; watering; and, harvesting.

Up on the Hill Food Pantry Garden – Charlestown, NH

The 5,000 square foot “no till” garden plot at Up on the Hill is now in its third year, and is growing a variety of spring, summer, and fall veggies for the Charlestown Food Shelf

Community volunteer work days are typically Tuesdays from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm during the growing season, but are subject to some change and variation. Volunteers help with all aspects of garden work under the supervision of UVLT staff, including: soil preparation; planting; weeding; watering; and, harvesting.

We are grateful to Ledyard National Bank for their dedicated funding to support this garden.

Thank You to Our Partners:

  • Willing Hands
  • Charlestown Food Shelf
  • Claremont Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry

With Generous Funding From:

  • Adimab
  • Farm Way
  • Feed and Supply
  • High Mowing Seeds
  • Ledyard National Bank
  • NH Charitable Grant
  • Norwich Women’s Club
  • Norwich Lions Club

End of Season Cleanup at Food Pantry Garden

As we approach the end of the growing season at UVLT's Food Pantry Garden at Up on the Hill Conservation Area, it's time to prepare the garden for winter. After a successful season, we need your helping hands to wrap up our final harvests, clear out old plants and weeds, and ready the soil for next year!

In the Gardens

As a UVLT intern this summer I have worked at the food pantry gardens at the Brookmead Conservation Area in Norwich, VT and the Up on the Hill Conservation Area in Charleston, NH. I have helped plant, maintain, and harvest produce to be donated to Willing Hands, the Claremont Soup Kitchen, and other local food pantries in the area. While every experience at the gardens has been rewarding there have been two extremely meaningful projects I have had the chance to work on this summer.

Meet the UVLT’s 2024 Summer Interns

Each summer UVLT works with student interns on projects that…