Phil and Kate Harrison have donated a conservation easement that protects 40 acres of woods and 2/3 mile of streams in Hanover Center. Located adjacent to Alswell Farm, which was […]
by Jason Berard, Stewardship Coordinator Over the course of our 28 year history, UVLT has conserved more than 450 properties in the 45 towns we serve, totaling approximately 45,000 acres. […]
Over 100 people gathered for UVLT’s Conservation Celebration and Annual Membership Meeting, June 3rd at our Lyme Hill Conservation Area. We enjoyed walks and hikes and great fellowship… and  a chicken barbecue […] McIntyre McIntyre2014-06-05 14:31:162014-06-05 14:31:16Honors to Myra Ferguson and Rick Roesch; Thanks to all UVLT members
Monahan Headwaters Conserved
/in UVLT Conserved Lands, What's NewPhil and Kate Harrison have donated a conservation easement that protects 40 acres of woods and 2/3 mile of streams in Hanover Center. Located adjacent to Alswell Farm, which was […]
New Partnership Makes Hiking Connections
/in What's Newby Jason Berard, Stewardship Coordinator Over the course of our 28 year history, UVLT has conserved more than 450 properties in the 45 towns we serve, totaling approximately 45,000 acres. […]
Honors to Myra Ferguson and Rick Roesch; Thanks to all UVLT members
/in What's NewOver 100 people gathered for UVLT’s Conservation Celebration and Annual Membership Meeting, June 3rd at our Lyme Hill Conservation Area. We enjoyed walks and hikes and great fellowship… and  a chicken barbecue […]