UVLT, Vermont Technical College Join for Conservation and Education

UVLT has launched a $300,000 campaign to buy 352 acres in Norwich…

Awards, Conservation News, Elections at UVLT Celebration

Mary Holland, Nicole Cormen and Kathy and Lee Larson were…

A Conservation Solution for Hi-Hope Farm

Tim Schad has conserved 58 acres of farm and forestland with…

Join us on June 8th to Celebrate Land Conservation

This year thousands of people enjoyed our trails and campsites,…

Girls Get Tough on Garlic Mustard

Upper Valley Girl Scouts pulled off a successful botanical intervention…

Lambs Play

Stewardship Director Jason Berard filmed the frolic of young…

Norwich Inn to Host Benefit for Conservation and Trail

The Norwich Inn will host a gathering to benefit Sample's Woods…

Life’s a Beech – Find Yours!

When you can't find sand and waves in April, go for a walk in…

Deer Management in NH: UVLT’s Comments

UVLT has submitted comment to New Hampshire Fish and Game regarding…

Balloch’s Crossing: A Conservation Corridor Grows

Nearly 200 acres of forest and farmland in Claremont/Cornish…