UVLT, Vermont Technical College Join for Conservation and Education

UVLT has launched a $300,000 campaign to buy 352 acres in Norwich as part of a collaboration that will bring Vermont Technical College (VTC) agricultural education programs into the Upper Valley. The property, formerly owned by Andrew Sigler, is located between Turnpike and Beaver Meadow Roads and is adjacent to “Parcel Five,” a popular recreational area. The area is a priority in the Norwich Open Space Plan. There are approximately 70 acres of open land (including prime and statewide significant agricultural soil) and 280 acres of forest.  Click here for map and project description.

Mr. Sigler donated the property to the school. UVLT’s commitment to purchase the land made it possible for VTC to accept the gift and relocate its dairy programs to Norwich. UVLT and VTC hope to complete the transfer next month. To learn more, contact UVLT President, Jeanie McIntyre.