Menu for the Future Project Ramps Up

The Catamount Earth Institute, Co-op Food Stores, Sierra Club, Sustainable Hanover, the Upper Valley Land Trust, the Valley Food Council and Vital Communities are working with community groups, workplaces, and individuals to start many Menu for the Future discussion groups this fall and winter.
Menu for the Future is a six-session discussion series about sustainable food systems. Groups of 8-12 people meet weekly for 1-1 1/2 hours to discuss readings from an anthology compiled of excerpts from some of the best writers on sustainable food systems. Course books may be purchased ($21) or borrowed from the Hanover Co-op Food Store or from participating libraries. Bring together a group of friends, fellow CSA members, or workplace colleagues for your own discussion series. We’ve had 26 Menu for the Future discussion groups in the Upper Valley in the last two years. Let’s have 26 more!

The Menu for the Future readings:
• explore food systems and their impacts of culture, society, and ecological systems
• offer insights into agricultural practices that promote personal and ecological well-being
• initiate conversations about our roles in creating or supporting sustainable food systems
For more information about the readings or to sign up to join a discussion group see