Protected Wetlands and Public Access Expanded in Lyme
The Hewes Brook conservation easement follows the path of Hewes…

Brackett Brook Farm: A Hill Farm Looks Forward
Brackett Brook Farm, off of Route 25-A in East Orford, is one…

Tunis District Conservation Area Complete
If you’ve ever enjoyed a sunset across Goose Pond or a boat…

Risley Farmhouse – Continuing a Legacy of Land Conservation
The Risley family has a history of conservation work in the Upper…

Parker Meadow – Preserving Open Space and Rural Character in Downtown Norwich
In the heart of downtown Norwich is an open meadow nestled in…

Permanently Protected: Forests, Fields, and a Spectacular View in Sharon
In 1982, a woman (who wishes to remain anonymous) purchased 6…

Creating the Tunis District Conservation Area
East of Moose Mountain, in Hanover, lies an extraordinarily…