22nd Annual Conservation Commission Gathering

On March 5th, UVLT held our 22nd annual Conservation Commission…

Wild About Lebanon!

New Year - New Wild About Lebanon schedule! Our 2020 Winter/Spring…

The Geography of Milk & The Future of Dairy Farming

For the last year Janice Chen has been learning about dairy farming.…

Lunch & Learn

It's cold and icy. Or it's raining and muddy. Or maybe the sun…

Voices of the Land

Twenty five years ago, UVLT offered a program called Voices of…

Winter Recreation: There’s Something for Everybody!

Are you looking forward to winter or dreading it? Don’t worry…

Commemorating a Historic Land Conservation Achievement and Remembering Freda Swan

Breck Hill Road, in Lyme, is one of the Town’s prettiest roads.…

A Successful Year at Brookmead’s Food Pantry Garden

In early months of 2019 UVLT had a vision. We knew we wanted…

Hands On at Lyme Pinnacle

Since UVLT conserved the 200+ acres of land around Lyme Pinnacle…

Two Exciting End of Summer Events

We have two exciting events in store for the last week of August! On…