A New Generation of American Chestnut Trees at Up on the Hill
When UVLT acquired the 990 acre Smith Pond Shaker Forest in late…
Two Exciting End of Summer Events
We have two exciting events in store for the last week of August!
Mission Monarch at Up on the Hill Conservation Area
At the end of a long dirt road the trees open up to revel an…
Creating the Tunis District Conservation Area
East of Moose Mountain, in Hanover, lies an extraordinarily…
Brookmead Food Pantry Garden and the Community Impact of Land Conservation
When UVLT decided that it was going to own land outright we did…
Five New Trustees Appointed
We are excited to announce that in June five new board members…
Everything You Need To Know To Prevent Turtle Death This Summer
June is the time of year in the Upper Valley when female turtles…
Conservation Impact: Local and Global
A lifelong love of nature often begins in backyard observation,…