Hike to Leavitt Hill Wetland

Celebrate the first weekend of spring with a hike to Leavitt…

Upper Valley Naturalist Training 2013

After offering our first Upper Valley Naturalist Training last…

UVLT Awarded Funding for Watershed Protection Project

UVLT has been awarded funding from the Upper Connecticut River…

Turn out, Speak up to Restore Land Conservation Funding in New Hampshire

"Legislators have to make hard choices in these tough times and…

What do you find in a frozen bog?

Last Sunday the bitter cold and extreme wind event may have postponed…

Volunteer Monitoring 101 Lesson Seven: Make Time

Hello Folks! This lesson is still in process as I find myself…

25 Years on a Yardstick of Perpetuity

It is easy to stay at a job you love, especially if there are…

Introducing Janisse Ray… and Welcoming the Hoopla

When I first learned that UVLT Trustees were planning a party…

Join Us for a Special Celebration!

The Honorary Committee Invite You to Celebrate 25 Years…

Thank You Linny Levin Trail Supporters & Contributors

We would like to thank the many supporters, volunteers, and contributors…