
Trail Updates: A Visit from the Second Grade and a Soggy Saturday’s Work

September 27, 2012 Today we were reminded that Thursdays tend…

Trail Work Begins at UVLT’s Zebedee Wetland!

September 21, 2012 Two years ago Upper Valley Land Trust became…

Memorial Trail Work Begins – Thank You and Volunteers Still Welcome!

Thanks to Hypertherm associates, Thetford Conservation Commission…

Sunday Stroll Reflections: Delights of Bill Hill

A stormy Saturday evening gave way to sunny Sunday with perfect…

Congratulations to UVLT landowner & supporter Elise Tillinghast

We’re thrilled to learn that Elise Tillinghast will become…

Mack’s Special Place

While waiting for my eleven year old daughter, Abby, to finish…

Zebedee Wetland – dam removal is complete!

As fall began its progression to winter, the Zebedee Headwaters…

Beaver Banter

People are a curious species, you know that?  I’m guessing…

Busy Beavers

Hi there!  I’m a beaver.  The place where I live…

Zebedee Dam Removal Update – 10/29

Since Thursday morning (Oct. 28) was the start of our dam removal…