Elizabeth’s Brook Bears Her Name
The U.S. Geological Survey has named a Grant Brook tributary…
Firewood Assistance in NH
Last month, UVLT took steps to duplicate the Woodshed’s program and bring similar firewood assistance opportunities to NH. Due to strict exterior firewood quarantine guidelines in the state, the UVLT team headed to Up on the Hill in Charlestown, NH, to begin harvesting trees for the new program, hoping to officially launch and deliver to recipients in Fall 2023 (once harvested wood has dried sufficiently).
Thank You to our Volunteers!
Despite the pandemic 2020 was a productive year for UVLT volunteers.…
Brookmead Food Pantry Garden to be Expanded to Meet Need
Last year UVLT began a Food Pantry Garden at our Brookmead Conservation…
Hypertherm at the Norwich Woodshed
Back in October employees from Hypertherm participated in a Corporate…
Corporate Volunteers Hit the Trails in 2019
As the crunching sound of fallen leaves under boots bounced off…
Volunteer Easement Monitor Training 2025
Are you interested in helping the Upper Valley Land Trust monitor conserved properties, including farms and forests, throughout the region? Join us for this year's volunteer easement training, where you'll learn everything you need to know about monitoring conservation easements! Please note, you must attend the Zoom session before participating in the in-person training. We look forward to having you join us in protecting the lands we love!
Volunteer Easement Monitor Training 2025
Are you interested in helping the Upper Valley Land Trust monitor conserved properties, including farms and forests, throughout the region? Join us for this year's volunteer easement training, where you'll learn everything you need to know about monitoring conservation easements! Please note, you must attend the Zoom session before participating in the in-person training. We look forward to having you join us in protecting the lands we love!