Conservation: Experience it! Volunteer Conservation Easement Monitoring Training 2013

Volunteer Conservation Easement Monitoring Training 2013

Saturday May 11, 8am – 3pm

Join the UVLT team of volunteers: become proficient in map and compass skills, using GPS tools, and “reading” the conservation landscape.

Here is what two of last year’s trainees had to say about why they chose to participate:

Elizabeth Traver – I love to walk in the woods anyway, I have been looking for ways to volunteer around the area, I figured I could learn something as well as learn more about places I can go for walks.  Finally, I was looking for ways to meet some folks who might have similar interests.

Jim Barker – I (wanted to) improve my skills and knowledge.


Class size is limited to 12 and fills up early.

Conservation: Experience it!

Register today:  contact Jason Berard 603-643-6626 or