About the places that UVLT has conserved: stories, pictures, events.

Six Weeks Shapes the Future

Between Thanksgiving and News Year's last year, UVLT joined with…

Hanchetts Brook and Wetlands Conserved

Over 100 acres including stream frontage, meander wetlands…

Headwaters Conservation Gets Results

This week the Upper Valley Land Trust (UVLT) and landowner…

Friends Rally for Lemax Barn

When Hartland residents asked UVLT to serve as a fiscal sponsor…

Land Conservation on the Prouty Route

    Yesterday Pete Helm and Doug Brown put…

Working Woodland & Working Farm Conserved

Two more parcels have been added to the portfolio of conservation…

In Orford, a Conserved Birding Hotspot Gets Help from Beetles

Last week the Orford Conservation Commission received a special…

Monahan Headwaters Conserved

Phil and Kate Harrison have donated a conservation easement that…

Activities to Celebrate Conservation: Join us on June 3rd

We’ve planned a variety of activities beginning mid-afternoon…

UVLT Garlic Mustard Pulling Party!

Thursdays May 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 4-6:30 p.m. Join…