About the places that UVLT has conserved: stories, pictures, events.

Campaign for Lyme’s Pinnacle Begins

UVLT's campaign to protect the views and trails at Lyme's…

Belonging to Nature

UVLT has dedicated and renamed its property at Rix Ledges for…

Crows Give Gift of Land in Hanover

Along the edge of Pressey Brook, in eastern Hanover, there’s…

One Year Later – Manning Farm Represents Community Fundraising Success

For 50 years, Roscoe and Ruth Manning owned their iconic family…

Uplands and Lowlands get a big Thank You

Herb Ferris is a sculptor. He holds his land very close to his…

UVLT to Build Pollinator Garden at Lyme Hill

Thanks to a grant from the Lyme Foundation, UVLT will begin work…

Foundation Brings People Together to Protect Landmark

Families have been enjoying the beauty and splendor of Lake Morey…

UVLT Celebrates a Gift of Land

On Tuesday June 19th UVLT board and staff along with Norwich…

Haverhill Couple Conserves Farm: “You have to treat your land right”

A hot July day beckons a trip to the local ice cream shop in…

Community Fundraising a Success, Manning Farm Conserved

In 1961 Roscoe Manning worked as a truck driver collecting milk…