“This is not my land. I’m just borrowing it.” Remembering Liz Russell

Liz Russell, our friend, mentor, donor, advocate, colleague, died Sunday, January 31.

Liz was a UVLT Trustee and Lands Committee member, a mighty leader and cheerleader for many years. She nurtured UVLT’s vision and mission with the same huge heart she brought to looking out for her neighbors and the land she loved. Quiet and strong, Liz’s deep commitment to land conservation was, and is, profoundly inspiring.  Her hands and her heart are in many conserved places, including Cossingham Farm, in Norwich, which she conserved in 2002. In 2015 she joined a small group of landowners to share their stories in our video below “Conservation Solutions for the Places You Love.” We cherish her voice and celebrate her life.